Ferdinand McAvoy
NE1 / 2020
Abdulhameed Almuhaidib
Executive Managing Director

“Executive Managing Director 2019 Note”

2019 was a significant year for our project. Just few days before the year began; we launched the Full Notice to Proceed; announcing the start of the world largest CSP plant! We have also achieved significant milestones during the course of the year.

We have spent relentless efforts together with our partners (Shanghai Electric and its subcontractors) to bring safety to the required level during the beginning of the year. With our mentorship, commitment, and partnership spirit we were able to manage more than 2,500 employees spread in 42 km2 of land with positive safety figures. Keeping our people healthy and safe remain our first pillar of execution principles and we will spend more efforts in 2020 to ensure that no compromise as the workload reach its peak.

Last year, we have achieved the Financial Close of our project, which was another great achievement of 2019! With USD 4.3 billion project value, we embarked the largest project finance deal for renewable project in the region and won PFI Award for the Power Project of the Year in Middle East and Africa!

In quality we have zero tolerance and we have successfully maintain a high quality of supplies and closed critical decisions on vendor manufacturing. We’re committed to build a reliable plant that will be able to generate efficiently for the next 35 years and thus ensuring that quality remain our second pillar in execution.

During the year, we have successfully completed the mirror assemble factories and mirrors start to be installed in the solar field. Central Tower has reached 211 meters and our power blocks are progressing well in civil activities!

Our project was the center of attention in 2019 as we have received many awards during the year, including 3 Awards from EMEA Finance, FDI Dubai Award, the Asian Power Awards, in addition to the Climate Bond Certification.

The Year 2020 will be another great year full of challenges and important milestones. I’m grateful of what Noor Energy 1 achieved in 2019 and I look forward for our team and stakeholders enthusiasm, commitment, and proactive approach to have a successful 2020!

Abdulhameed AlMuhaidib
Executive Managing Director

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